Terms and Conditions

Firstly, a heartfelt bark-out to all the paw-some folks stopping by. When you visit and engage with Rescue Dog Day, it means you’re giving a virtual belly rub to the ethos we stand for. But before you get lost in the furry tales and wagging tails, let’s paw-se for a moment and go through some ground rules.

A Mutual Understanding

By sniffing around our website, it’s understood that you’re okay with the playground rules we’ve set. If you don’t agree, it’s okay – no hard feelings. But if you do, it’s like giving us a handshake (or a paw-shake, if you will).

Guarding Your Secrets (Our Privacy Policy)

Your secrets are safe with us, just like a loyal dog guards its human. Our Privacy Policy is a testament to that. Give it a read to see how we take care of the information you share.

Stories, Tales, and Everything in Between

The heartwarming stories, tips, and tricks you read here are penned down with love and care. But remember, every doggo is unique. So, what works for one might not work for another. Always consult with a vet or an expert for tailored advice.

Our Treasure Trove (Intellectual Property)

The tales, images, and wisdom we share on Rescue Dog Day come from deep within our hearts. They’re our treasure, protected by international copyright laws. We’d love for you to share them, but kindly ask for permission first.

Your Very Own Doghouse (User Accounts)

If you decide to set up your own little digital doghouse here (aka a user account), make sure you guard its key (password) well. We can’t keep an eye on every doghouse, so you’ll need to make sure yours is secure.

The Leash Rules (Restrictions)

Every park has leash rules. Similarly:

  • Kindly avoid reposting our content without giving us a nod or asking.
  • Commercializing any of our tales or insights? That’s a no-no.
  • And please, no digging up data or misusing our site in any way.

Beyond Our Yard (External Links)

Sometimes we’ll point you towards other cool places on the internet. But once you hop over the fence, we can’t guarantee what you’ll find. Explore at your own risk.

Our Promise and Limits

We promise to share our love for rescue dogs and provide a platform that sings their tales. However, if there are any bumps or hurdles, know that our liability is limited.

Play Time’s Over (Termination)

If, for some reason, things aren’t working out, we might have to say goodbye. If the rules aren’t followed, we might have to limit access, but always with a heavy heart.

Evolving Playground Rules (Changes)

As we grow and learn, these rules might need some tweaks. If that happens, we’ll let you know. Do revisit them from time to time.

The Grand Law of the Land

These Terms abide by the laws of united states. If any playful disagreements arise, we hope to resolve them under these laws.

12. Woofs, Wags, and Words (Contact Us)

Got any questions or just want to send us a bark? Reach out at info@rescuedogday.com.